Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What's your favorite sport?

I'd have to go with soccer. Though I love paintball, I just don't get to do it that much and Soccer I know I am really good at. Man I miss it so much. Actually went to a sporting goods store today to get some exercise equipment and was tempted to buy a soccer ball just in case I decided to go kick it around one day. I know I had one before, I bought it and NEVER used it once, I apparently left it at parent's house when I moved and my nephews either have it somewhere in their new room (I have no idea where they moved and my sister is doing the usual not-telling-anyone business) either that or my dad thought it was from the other team he manages and gave it to them by mistake... either way, I want one now, haha. Hey momo let's get one so we can play!

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