I let her know exactly what I never wanted to tell her. the truth. I very descriptively told her about how I felt about the way I was treated as well as the fact that her entire life amounts to nothing higher than sex and alcohol and that by the time her freak of nature husband is through with her she'll be so misshapen and deformed from all the drugs he put her on that even her dad brother and sister wouldn't get with her anymore, so she can take her inbred screwed up life and end it before she wakes up to realize what a retarded mess she has made herself. Among a few other choice words I said, I basically let her know that if she wanted to taunt me and get a reaction, then she wasn't going to get a buttered up response. I told her that I forgive her, but I will not tolerate her harassment any further. Can you tell I was pissed off and hurt? I mean come on, I thought I loved her, and she put me through hell, only to throw cheap shots at me while I'm still trying to recover from the life I almost threw away on her. Give me a freakin break!
So here is the official end. If by some chance anyone related to or in contact with courtney reads this feel free to send her this message:
"Dear courtney koker,
Good riddance. You could have been a good person but you chose sex and drugs over a life with a man willing to sacrifice for you. If you ever come emailing or texting me again, ill download the necessary programs that i still have access to and make sure your every email and form of contact info is erased and your phone will be shut off since I still have access to the phone I PAID FOR. and if you find yourself in danger when your psychotic husband who raped you when you were 14 turns on you for the THIRD time and you come crawling back for help, i will show you no kindness. you are not welcome in my life no matter what happens. You can move down here and start going to the same church or school as me, I will not acknowledge your existance, even if your name shows up in the obituary i will show no emotion, because as of right now this very second you are dead to me and I rid myself of your memories. Enjoy your life with the choices you have made and don't say i didnt warn you. you are married to someone who tried to kill you.. you fucking idiot. Good bye."
So now that that's off my chest, I apologize I didn't take the time to spell check and correct myself where needed, I just want to get it over with and put it behind me forever.
And in other news, I am happy to announce that I have 5 toes on my left foot and am totally cool with that. Never again will I make the mistake of falling for someone based on looks and first impressions, because I finally figured out how easily used I am and how hard it is for me to stand up for myself. Poop... I feel like poop. But it's all good, I got a girl who is my best friend before we ever made any kind of other connection, and by no means are we putting lust or any superficial ideal above our friendship. Don't be surprised, I mean sheesh it's been like 2 months since i've been single... I'm allowed to have a new girlfriend by now aren't I? But that brings me to my next awesome announcement.
Today Momo finally got the ok from both parents and myself to officially call me hers. We have been "together" for a few weeks but her parents and a few other people still loidering in her personal life were keeping us from making it official. But today I can finally say I found a girl who actually likes dorky nerdy funny stuff like I do and for the first time in years I have a friend with something in common with me. (Rose and the McDonalds gang, we have some stuff in common too, but personality wise you will all agree when you finally meet her, she is my other half, no joke.)
And on another note, I have one more week and then its back to school for the first time in 5 years!!!! So excited! I'm only able to take one class since I'm working 60+m hours a week, but still... its a chance at a social life and possibly a career building opportunity to get me out of this black-hole that is my job. Ok, I can't think very clearly this week, stress and sleeplessness getting the best of me, so for now I'll just say goodnight before I start making sense and scaring people... Til next time.
Sorry that you felt that way in the beginning hun but yay! You got happy at the end and I'm glad.
ReplyDeleteNice picture by the way.
Haha yeah, Couldn't end on such a bad note like i did last night. besides, what kind of sense of humor would i have if i didnt make punchlines at the end of every story. after all my lifes a joke! hahaha. ha... haha... ha hahahaha. yeah.