Saturday... oh boy was it NOT a saturday for me haha. Worked from 9am to about 7:40pm. Really long day filled with sitting around for hours at a time eating twinkies, doing push ups and situps and making random jokes in spanish that I really didn't understand half of them, but still I tried to contribute and pretend I was listening and said yes yes haha. Finally got off work and headed over to Momo's place for a group get together her family was having with her brother's friends. I sat at the table and had some pizza and fudge while I played apples to apples with the moms. It was pretty fun, and then we cleaned up and I came home, said goodnight, then got the urge to play a few rounds of black ops and edit a picture or two... one of which is kind of mandatory as I needed to finish this picture for a client now for a few days but haven't had time or motivation. Hope she likes it.
But here is the photo I finished for the fun of it. The Oxnard Seabridge on a foggy night.
So other than that, nothing too interesting this week. Went to revive for the first time in a year last night, only to find that it is a farcry from any form of 'revival'. certainly not the college movement that I had remembered it to be when last I visited. But before you go and get the wrong idea thinking I'm bashing it or talking bad about it, I'm not. This is a blog and on it I share my personal feelings, and this is what it felt like walking into that room. It felt like high school. I had the awkward privilage of sitting right next to Jill without realizing it til halfway through, and her boyfriend kept sneaking peaks at me... I guess I was supposed to take the hint and move or something.. but I came to spend time in God's house, not jill's so they can leave if they find my presence offensive, end of discussion, I let them know this by ignoring the stares and sang even louder and closed my eyes and just focused on the only one who deserved my attention to begin with. But aside from the awkward seating arrangement, along with leaving momo stranded again (SORRY!) It just felt like high school all over again with all of the cliques and younger people only talking to the 2 or 3 people they already talked to all the time. Nothing against the service itself. loved the music and message, definately felt the Spirit moving in there. The last time I was there it was intense. Everyone seemed to know everyone, and if you were new there then at LEAST 4 or 5 people would come up to you at any given time and ask to pray or talk with you for no reason other than to meet the rest of the family. So it was just uncomfortable afterwards knowing that so many of those people "knew about me" thanks to her rumors, and thus none of them actually KNEW me, which makes it really hard on Momo as she was new there and automatically got ignored when she was seen coming to hang out with me... like i said... high school all over again. I had to find some familiar faces to introduce Momo to without getting awkward stares from the haters, so I found my brother from another mother Emjay and we talked about some basketball tournaments starting up on sundays... I'll need to get in shape but I'm definately game. And yeah, after that we left and had snack / dinner at dennys and went home. So that's the last 2 days, in backwards order. Anything I missed or anything you want to know? feel free to ask or comment with your opinions or feedback or questions. I've been really unmotivated lately due to 10-12 hour work days and the ever-stressful burden known as random increases and studders in heartrates keeping me up all night. So please, feel free to start me off on a topic or sentence and maybe I'll have something new to run with here ya know? What's that you say? My entire post is one giant paragraph full of run on sentences? Haha, no, actually I started a new paragraph when I broke it apart with the picture...right?
Randomness terminated, commencing operation dream-beam. ZzzzzzzzzzzZZzZzZZzzzzZzZ
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