-but first-
Here's the latest and greatest from my website:
So in 18 hours I will be happily sitting in class... the first classroom I have actually been in as a real student in about 5 years! SO EXCITED. And it's a class that I am already confident that I know 99% of the material, but like I said in previous posts, it is an opportunity to get an official degree and thus earn more respect and credibility as a phhotographer as well as have a social life and motivation to use my camera more!
So other than that, nothing too incredible going on right now. I got the car window closed on my head, but only slight bleeding in the mouth, nothing serious. But it was totally worth it because I got to go to lunch with MOMO and feast on Subway. Sweet Onion Teriaki Chicken with avocado... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. And that's pretty much all that happened today. Got off work early, came home and played around with photos and photoshop brushes and presets from my old harddrive, and now about half hour into melatonin dose and happily admitting that eyes are heavy and ready for a 7 hour nap. OH BEFORE I FORGET my camera is totally scratched on the sensor I think. Can't be too sure, but the dust removal attempts failed and I'm convinced it's hardware problems. But I'm considering upgrading to a D700 anyways... I need better low-light and full-frame capabilities for the 3 weddings I have coming this fall. Ok, wish me luck with all that!
Ja ne!
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