And upon watching the show I came to realize how much I love their opening theme, so I did some searching and now have it set as my alarm clock. check it out!
And before all the BMS frenzy started, I actually had a pretty fun time at the beach with Momo trying to get pictures of her feet from 1 inch off the ground.
But as I was laying down taking the shots I noticed dozens of little ladybugs swarming me, and crawling all over Momo's feet as well. Since I had the macro lens ready, I snapped it on and started going crazy with the ladies! At one point Momo had 4 of them on her arm and face, it was soooo cute! However, up close they are still, in fact, BUGS, so you may or may not agree with the cute part here:
So back to current affairs; This week it has been raining non-stop for the last 5 days. UGH! You see, normally I love the rain, but today I'm supposed to go out for a photo project and, well, that's just not going to happen. So I have to find some way to get creative in my room/mini-studio. Sigh.
But since I'm in a lazy mood today I resorted to just playin some guitar and workin out, since I haven't done much of either in a while. So that's what I've been doin today, though I'm not sure what I'm going to do once I post this blog. Any suggestions? Home alone on a rainy day with a busted ankle and Momo is in vegas, so I'm running low on creative juices. Maybe some cheerios will help...
*****UPDATE: I posted this blog and then walked outside to grab my camera from my car so it doesn't get soaked and BOOOOOOM lightning! I know exactly what I'm doin for the rest of the day. If you don't know, lightning is my absolute FAVORITE subject to photograph and simply to be around. I hope it keeps up until dark I'd love to go to the beach and get some lightning shots from the mountain top, as long as camera doesn't get too wet!
Lady bugs are so adorable from far away but your shot... not so cute anymore. I am so glad you found something to do because I am at a loss for rainy days. I love the photos :D
@jax Thanks. I actually had to pic a smaller pic of the ladybug to turn in because the class is tired of me grossing them out with all these close ups of peoples eyes and skin and bugs. i guess i like that macro lens way too much haha, so this week im gonna turn in the other awesome shots i got from friday and today, ill post em soon. :)