So here you have an interesting video to accompany a song from one of my favorite bands, Anberlin. Give it a look-see and see what you think about it.
My first impression after hearing the song was that he was in love with someone who was otherwise impossible and being difficult to work with, but he believes he can crack her shell. Even though he's being worn out, he's eventually getting through to her and breaking down the walls she put up.
Then upon watching the video it seemed to come to life as the girl is like a manakin (however you spell it) and not making any effort while the lead guy has to try to literally force her to love him, and in the process the beads seem to represent his life force, so as to say he's pouring his life out, or in some sense she is seemingly sucking the life out of him with her cold behavior.
Then I found this little article quoting the lead singer's take on it. "Love is a friction, a chemistry, said Anberlin's front man, Stephen Christian. We need to fight it out in a good way, not with threats of leaving, but to, in love, find an understanding." -Chacha
As trippy and unusual as the video is with the lead singer sporting the Johnny Bravo / fonzie look, the song itself is still amazing and I can't stop watching it over and over. So I figured hey, why not just share it? So enjoy it, and check out the rest of their album. Especially the songs Down, To The Wolves, Pray Tell, and We Owe This To Ourselves. Can't get enough of these guys!

Okay, well I just was feeling an overflowing amount of creative juices and after failing to find a good photo idea to create an outlet, I decided to write somewhat of a review or perhaps just share the video that is stuck in my head. =P
'Til next time!
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