And secondly... the winners are...
Your all winners! I read through all of the possible answers as I plugged in all of your answers into my story line and I honestly couldn't pick just one favorite to post. But since you all have been good sports and entertained me I will take a little extra time out of my extremely busy new years eve party being hosted in my room with hot pockets and video games and post them all! So with each entry I will underline the answers you gave me, but I won't number them so try to remember what you put, as hard as that might be. Here's a refresher
And The Awards are as follows:
Best kind of field to run through : Cake fields by Wendy Pelletier!
Best time of day to be waking up : 7:24 p.m. by Mynx!
Best villain : Man-eating Unicorns by Bruce!
Kinkiest sounding superhero finishing move: Wonder Woman's liking loving upright horse ass smash by Bouncin' Barb!
Best all around party game: Little Big Planet by The Adorkable Ditz (Momo)!
And a special honor for the most randomly entertaining mad lib I read: Bruce's entry with his uncanny ability to seductively give into peer pressure while dreaming about man-eating unicorns being defeated by invisible woman only to be woken up by 22 clones of his wife making noise! Haha!
I really wanted to end the year with something funny so I might be able to start the new year with a smile and something to laugh about. So with that, Happy 2011 to everyone and enjoy the randomosities!
By Wendy:
Today was a very interesting day. I woke up at roughly 9a.m. to the sound of 8 drums outside my window. So I flung my Miss Brooke blanket off and rushed to the window to see what was going on. Apparently there was something going on down the street at the local spaghetti market for new years and everyone in town knew about it but me. Luckily, I was already prepared for the unexpected random party-people situation with my Captain Jack Sparrow costume fresh out of the laundry. I threw it on in a hurry and shipped to the spot. When I got there I was greeted by my best friend Doris who just so happened to be wearing the exact same thing I was! The rest of the guests were all wearing various outfits and playing a huge game of Monopoly. By the time it was finally my turn to jump in and play, everyone else lost interest as the DJ announced it was almost midnight. I groggily gave in and joined them all as we stared spritely at the clock. When all the tension was getting to the point of insanity, as the clock was just about to change from 11:59:59 to 12:00:00, a huge ball of light burst open in the sky and out came hundreds of giant man-eating wolverines. Everyone 13(verb)ed in terror as they realized what was going on. And just as I was about to get devoured, Superman showed up and defeated them all with his ultimate power, the sleeping conjuring bending cheetah eye smash! But one of the monsters got away and chased me through a cake field and just as it caught up to me and began to close it's fangs around my leg, My eyes opened and I was suddenly in my bed lying down. Was it a dream? I rubbed my eyes and tried to figure out what was going on in my head to cause such a sweet dream. And that was when I heard it. the sound of 7 bells in a frenzy outside of my window...
By The Adorkable Ditz (Momo!)
Today was a very interesting day. I woke up at roughly 11:11a.m. to the sound of 13 seagulls outside my window. So I flung my sailor moon blanket off and rushed to the window to see what was going on. Apparently there was something going on down the street at the local pizza market for new years and everyone in town knew about it but me. Luckily, I was already prepared for the unexpected random party-people situation with my Kung pow's chosen one costume fresh out of the laundry.I threw it on in a hurry and 7(verb involving movement/transportation) to the spot. When I got there I was greeted by my best friend Methusala who just so happened to be wearing the exact same thing I was! The rest of the guests were all wearing various outfits and playing a huge game of Little big planet for PS3. By the time it was finally my turn to jump in and play, everyone else lost interest as the DJ announced it was almost midnight. I graciously gave in and joined them all as we stared ecstaticly at the clock. When all the tension was getting to the point of insanity, as the clock was just about to change from 11:59:59 to 12:00:00, a huge ball of light burst open in the sky and out came hundreds of giant man-eating tazmanian devils! Everyone squawked in terror as they realized what was going on. And just as I was about to get devoured, Captain Planet showed up and defeated them all with his ultimate power, the whining baking crouching badger spleen smash! But one of the monsters got away and chased me through an udon field and just as it caught up to me and began to close it's fangs around my leg, My eyes opened and I was suddenly in my bed lying down. Was it a dream? I rubbed my eyes and tried to figure out what was going on in my head to cause such a random dream. And that was when I heard it. the sound of 40,952,784,092 shoes in a frenzy outside of my window...
By Bouncin' Barb:

By Bruce:
Today was a very interesting day. I woke up at roughly 8:03 to the sound of 803 of my dogs outside my window. So I flung my Alex Karras blanket off and rushed to the window to see what was going on. Apparently there was something going on down the street at the local Cheeseburger market for new years and everyone in town knew about it but me. Luckily, I was already prepared for the unexpected random party-people situation with my John McClane costume fresh out of the laundry.I threw it on in a hurry and drexted to the spot. When I got there I was greeted by my best friend Molly Ringwald who just so happened to be wearing the exact same thing I was! The rest of the guests were all wearing various outfits and playing a huge game of some sort. By the time it was finally my turn to jump in and play, everyone else lost interest as the DJ announced it was almost midnight. I Seductively gave in and joined them all as we stared smoothely at the clock. When all the tension was getting to the point of insanity, as the clock was just about to change from 11:59:59 to 12:00:00, a huge ball of light burst open in the sky and out came hundreds of giant man-eating unicorns. Everyone ran in terror as they realized what was going on. And just as I was about to get devoured, Invisible Girl showed up and defeated them all with his ultimate power, the Hiding eating upside down goat buttocks smash! But one of the monsters got away and chased me through a carrot field and just as it caught up to me and began to close it's fangs around my leg, My eyes opened and I was suddenly in my bed lying down. Was it a dream? I rubbed my eyes and tried to figure out what was going on in my head to cause such a round dream. And that was when I heard it. the sound of 22 of my wives in a frenzy outside of my window...
Hope you all enjoyed and thanks so much for playing and giving me something to do! Happy New Years everyone!