Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Collaborative free-write. Chapter one.

 For no particular reason other than a random thought to inspire creativity and cooperation, I proposed that Morgan and I play a blog-version of one of my favorite "finish the sentence" games. The rules are simple: One of us will write a chapter of a story, and the other must write the next chapter based on the first chapter, but no matter what each writer comes up with, the other must follow along and continue the story. So if I throw a crazy twist and kill off a main character that she just got done introducing, she has to continue the story wherever I leave it, and vise versa. Look forward to seeing the finished story and seeing how it turns out! (Mind you, I'm not a good writer, nor have I attempted to write anything in the last 7 years. So bear with me, I'll do my best to give morgan something to work with, but ultimately I am counting on her to save me, haha) Here goes!

Chapter one.

It started out like any other day; the warming light from the sun bouncing off the walls and lighting up the room as a cool breeze penetrated the comfort of my sheets. I'm sure that at some point during the morning my alarm went off only to be pummeled by my half-conscious fist, but that didn't matter much to me. I had no desire to leave the haven of linen that envoloped my body in warmth. But just like every other day, before I even had the chance to properly adjust my eyes to the daylight, in came my little brother, Leum, with that maniacal grin on his face as he plotted his ritualistic morning attack on the pile of pillows covering my face.

"Wake up Jaden! Wake up!" He spoke softly, assuming I was still asleep until I rolled over and clamped the pillows over my ears as he placed his knees around my waist and tried to pry the pillows away, now yelling, "Daddy and Mommy said wake up or they're taking away your birthday and Christmas! Daddy means it for serious this time!"

"Really, Leum?" I feigned disbelief. "Really? Dad can make it so I was never born? What are you going to do if I skip school and stay here when Christmas rolls around, huh?" I tried to confuse him enough to loosen his grip on my barricade so I could adjust my feet to throw him off the bed, but I realized how impossible it is to win a psychological war with a five year old, as his grip only tightened and his knees dug into my chest. "Okay, okay! I'm up! Now get off before I take away holloween and eat all the candy for myself."
And to no one's surprise, the room once again fell silent as the intruder escaped down the stairs whining to my parents about me being a candy stealer.

Five year olds can be cute sometimes, but when the sound of my father's heavy duty combat boots come pounding up the hardwood stairs towards my room, all that is cute and laugh-worthy in my world fades as I make a quick retreat to the bathroom, abandoning my heated fortress for the sake of avoiding my dad's yawn-fest speach about being mean to my brother. The noise of his yelling faded as the shower burst to life and for the next twenty minutes It was bliss again.

Amidst the peaceful chaos of running water I thought about how unamusing and sometimes even irritating my life had become after turning seventeen a few months ago. I had always been fairly average and unnoticeable my whole life, which I found contentment in. I woke up, went to school, did what I was expected to and interacted with my family as any other nearly independant teen would. But as I finished my morning routine and grabbed my things as well as my brother to leave for the bus stop it dawned on me that everything would have stayed just as normal as it should be if it weren't for her. And as I dwelled on the thought of all the ways she disrupted my life, I found a seat at the bus stop with my brother still in-tow. And just as luck would have it, while I was wasting away in my own world of thoughts and concerns, the very cause of my discomforting state of mind came running over and makes an equally discomforting entrance as she finds a seat on the bench. Right next to me.

Chapter 2: continued by Momo.

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