Friday, February 25, 2011

This is a joke

Here, have some photos.

Assignment 6 pt. 2

Here, have another.

Assignment 6.5: 9X9

And here, how about a random funny music video, geeked out by gamers

Had enough?

So have I.

Monday, February 21, 2011


So remember yesterday how I was complaining about having nothing to shoot and not really much motivation to get out and do stuff? Well, I may not have worded it that way, but I was definately needing something to do. I was doing jumpropes in my room, which should be physically impossible do to me being 6'4'' and my room being so small. I just tried not to scrape all the popcorn off the roof or knock my tv over in the process. But either way, rain or shine, I need to keep my ankle active now that I tore a ligament I need to soften it up so it can heal. Though it looks like surgery may be my only option at this point :(

Anywho, I finally got around to editing the pics  I took from friday's lunch break. take a look!

It only took 3 months...

Notice anything different about the two pics? see if you can find all five differences. (basically the top one has 5 things less than the bottom one)

Assignment 6: portrait without a face

The first one was just his car. A mitsubishi lancer evolution, or as we call it, and 'EVO'. But for my homework this week I had to take a portrait of two people without a face showing, so I asked the owner, who happened to work with me in the office, to step outside and stand by his car acting cool. Then I HDR'd him with the car. YUP that's right, both of those pictures are made up of 9 different pictures blended into one, so luckily Ricardo (owner) stood still enough not to make ghosting or blurring effects.

As for the other portrait, well, I have about 130 shots from tonight to go through. The sun came out to play today and my good friend John called me back to go shoot at the beach with him and his girlfriend. So now I have shots of myself, his girl, him, and him and his girl together... and I only need to use one. sheesh this is hard!

On the way home from the beach I got a txt back from my friend Rosalie and went to hang out. I took her to pick her kids up from Awanas and then dropped them off as we went to Dennys for some biscuits with gravy, mozzerella fried cheese melt, and some french silk pie. AND OF COURSE ROOT BEER, DUH! After that we went to her house where our other good friends Krista and Aubree were waiting with the kids. We continued to play with bubbles until we got the amazing idea to start a game of volleybubble. Basically, since I'm the best bubble blower around, I blew huge bubbles and then everyone tried to blow it around and pass it to eachother. I got some video footage of it on my phone but am too lazy to go hook it up and load it to youtube and post it for you, but next post I will definately show you the carnage that ensued.

So all in all I had a pretty good weekend, despite my girl bein over in Las Vegas, I've been through enough to understand that time and separation can actually bring people closer together as they realise how much is missing in their life once they are away from eachother long enough, so I can't really complain, I'm just glad that she's happy and slightly jealous she got to go see Chris Angel and Phantom of the Opera live. (not at the same time obviously)

Well, gonna get goin to bed now, gotta get up for work in the mornin. Thanks for stoppin by and have a great week! Whoever it is reading this, don't be a stranger, feel free to make use of that comment box below. It's not for some stupid view count or personal acknowledgement thing, I just simply love when people take the time to show some love once in awhile. I mean, you got this far already, you must have spent at least a good 5 minutes if not more just reading all this nonsense, possibly 15-20 minutes if you paid attention and checked out all the photos on their actual webpages and viewed them large. So what would it hurt to say hello or some feedback on what you liked/disliked/would like to see about my writing, or at least simply to let me know you were here so I know I'm not just typing to one or two people with a bunch of other people reading a few words and being done with it, haha.

Well, take care!


Saturday, February 19, 2011

hidden forest towers, awesome music, feet, ladybugs, and acid trips...ooooh dear

Ok, so first off let me apologize for kind of disappearing for a couple weeks or so. Work has been busy and then when I'm home I am usually editing pictures or simply lazing around playin games on my new TV, or figuring out this new phone. But then when I wasn't doing that I was on netflix blasting through this insanely hilarious show called 'Blue Mountain State." The show is basically about the inside life of a stereotypical national champion football team at a party-college. It's completely out of line 102% of the time but is also one of the funniest shows I've seen in a long time. especially once you realize that even the brightest stars on the team end up being complete retards as soon as they open their mouths, like this guy!

 And upon watching the show I came to realize how much I love their opening theme, so I did some searching and now have it set as my alarm clock. check it out!

And before all the BMS frenzy started, I actually had a pretty fun time at the beach with Momo trying to get pictures of her feet from 1 inch off the ground.

Standing on the edge of eternity

But as I was laying down taking the shots I noticed dozens of little ladybugs swarming me, and crawling all over Momo's feet as well. Since I had the macro lens ready, I snapped it on and started going crazy with the ladies! At one point Momo had 4 of them on her arm and face, it was soooo cute! However, up close they are still, in fact, BUGS, so you may or may not agree with the cute part here:

My fair lady...-bug

So back to current affairs; This week it has been raining non-stop for the last 5 days. UGH! You see, normally I love the rain, but today I'm supposed to go out for a photo project and, well, that's just not going to happen. So I have to find some way to get creative in my room/mini-studio. Sigh.

But since I'm in a lazy mood today I resorted to just playin some guitar and workin out, since I haven't done much of either in a while. So that's what I've been doin today, though I'm not sure what I'm going to do once I post this blog. Any suggestions? Home alone on a rainy day with a busted ankle and Momo is in vegas, so I'm running low on creative juices. Maybe some cheerios will help...

*****UPDATE:  I posted this blog and then walked outside to grab my camera from my car so it doesn't get soaked and BOOOOOOM lightning! I know exactly what I'm doin for the rest of the day. If you don't know, lightning is my absolute FAVORITE subject to photograph and simply to be around. I hope it keeps up until dark I'd love to go to the beach and get some lightning shots from the mountain top, as long as camera doesn't get too wet!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bored at work

Yes, It's just as the title says. I am at work and bored out of my mind. The first truck just came in (thank goodness it came late again because I just happened to be an hour and a half late to work today, stomache aches are not my favorite thing to wake up to) But since it just came, now I have roughly 2 hours downtime to play on my new phone and watch videos on youtube... or even post videos to youtube now that my I figured out how to do that with my phone.

He didn't realize I was recording...hah!

So other than that there really isn't much to update. There was no class last Thursday so me and momo had a date night at BJ's for some avocado egg rolls, veggie spring rolls, spinach artichoke dip and mozzerela cheese sticks, and of course root beer and pizookie to wash it down. (For those of you unfamiliar to BJ's they are a restaurant and brewery with the best root beer...ever. Not to mention their famous pizookie, which is a PIZza cOOKIE. They make a giant cookie in a pizza pan then smother it with ice cream.  DROOL)

Ah well the big guys just came in so looks like I gotta get off the computer, but ill try to keep up on my phone, though I am terribad at QWERTY. Ok ja ne!